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To be amongst the top-level trustworthy form for delivering wider range of internet based information about Education, Employments and Trade with quality of services in right way.


✓ To establish as top-level trustworthy form for delivering wider range of internet based information about Education, Employments and Trade

✓ To deliver cutting edge reliable information about Government Schemes, Education cum Skills and Employment related to reach all rural areas of Bihar in Smarter Way. 

✓To promote and explore the possibility and opportunities for rural areas people to enhance their carriers.


Government Scheme: always provides cutting edge reliable information about various government schemes for Agriculture, Education, Social welfare and trades related in smarter way. Where, people can explore their knowledge in right way to gain maximum benefit.

Education: Here: fully dedicates to Students from Nursery to Post graduate. Where, it delivers information about   admission, fee, scholarship, examination and results. This is right platform to explore their knowledge for Aangawanwadi Students to University Students.

Employment: delivers internet based information about skills and job opportunities of government and private ( reliable sources) sectors. It’s always work to deliver reliable cutting edge information in right way.  It’s create opportunities and possibilities for rural areas people.

Trade: also work to share Trade and entrepreneurship related central and state government schemes for entrepreneurs, startups and as well Traders. It’s all wider range of internet based information related to subsidy, funding and mentorship.

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धन्यवाद “मुझे आशा है कि आप समझ गए होंगे।

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